Of course, we all want to do our part and recycle. It is almost second nature to most of the civilized world that we should all be doing our part by recycling. Many companies have both a recycling program and a document shredding program. It is best to not get these two confused. Typically, a recycling bin or receptacle is blue or green in color. All of this material (non-confidential office paper) ultimately ends up at a recycling center which is great for our environment. However, the people handling this material may not have signed a confidentiality agreement related to their work duties if they happen to view confidential PHI material during their work day. A typical NAID certified shred drop off facility has employees covered when referencing confidentiality. A NAID certified shred drop off site has employees that have been background checked and drug screened. Bottom line is that it is a really bad decision to throw confidential business documents into a standard recycling bin.
At many personal events or rotary functions, I will explain the concept of a shred drop off site. Many people don’t even know that this type of service exists so I explain the process. It is really fairly simple. Any business or residential client will accumulate paper documents that need to be shredded. This could include junk mail, old bills, financial statements, bank records etc. Medical files come up quite frequently as well. Many patrons choose a secure shred drop off site company like Embassy RMS. It saves you valuable time and cuts down on any type of identity theft. You can show up at our Waco TX facility or our College Station facility any time Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. We will assist you with removing the documents to be shredded from your vehicle and shred while you watch is you so desire. Staples, Paper clips and rubber bands are all OK. These items will go through our commercial shredder with no problems. We are the most trusted local shred drop off company in central Texas.
Many ask what should go into the recycling bin and what should go into a secure locking shred container. Our shred bins are 65 gallon locked secure rolling containers or 32 gallon secure locked recycle boxes. In our industry the recycle boxes are often referred to as secure shred consoles. Another sure-fire way to tell the difference between a recycling bin and a secure shred bin is the lock on the container. Any secure shredding drop of site utilizes locking shred containers. Standard recycling containers are great for paper and plastic materials that have no confidential material in them. Newspapers and magazines are perfect for recycling containers. On the flip side, any personal health information (HIPAA) needs to be placed into a secure paper shredding bin or console. Same goes for e data or e waste. What is E Waste? Electronic waste are items such as hard drives or flash drives that contain sensitive confidential data in an electronic format. Very, very dangerous to get rid of these items haphazardly.
A secure shred drop off location is the best way to rid yourself of any confidential materials. You can call your local shred drop off site for directions and pricing. Some local banks offer an annual free shred drop off event. Call around and see if you have one upcoming in your area. Usually, a free shred event is advertised by the Better Business Bureau in your community. Give them (the BBB) a call as well. Or give us a call here locally. We are the most trusted local secure shred drop off site in central Texas.
We are the trusted local paper shredding company in Central Texas.
Give us a call any time at 800-717-1443.
Our Waco, TX address is 2100 Webster Ave. Waco, TX 76706.
Our College Station, TX location is at 6936 Old Jones Rd. College Station, TX 77845.
Our Round Rock, TX location is at 1000 Heritage Center Circle Road. Suite 363. Round Rock, TX 78664.
Our Conroe, TX location is at 2040 N Loop 336 W Suite 127, Conroe, TX 77304