Many companies today use document scanning to digitize papers into digital records. After the document is in an electronic format it is lot easier to manage. If a document is needed it is accessible with a basic computer search. Access to any document can be restricted to individual employees. This helps keep secure documents when the need arises. Documents must be managed to avoid privacy or information breaches.
To start the process you will need to work on a records destruction policy. Decide how long you need to keep each type of document. Then calculate who needs access to them. This information should be available to every employee.
Now the big step is to clean out every unneeded document. Have every team member who manages company records to clean out documents that need to be retired. Ask workers to go through their personal files with the official document management policy and get rid of documents that are no longer useful. There is no need to scan documents that are not required.
Embassy Records Management and Storage makes the change easy by coming to your business to shred all paperwork. It is quick and easy, plus you don’t have to have an employee standing over a shredder at work for hours.
Once you have minimized the amount of documents, it is time for the actual scanning. You can acquire equipment and assign the work to your employee or temp. Or you can utilize the scanning services that Embassy RMS offers! If you have a box or two then using an employee should work. But as you grow, the number of documents will potentially overwhelm your capacity and outsourcing becomes the better option.
For more information about on-site shredding services and scanning from Embassy Records Management and Storage, give us a call at (979) 776-3500 today!